OneDrive Manager Framework

Do you have an information accident waiting to happen?


Without guidance and management of best practice use, OneDrive can quickly become out of control.


By allowing staff to create their own private file storage systems, information is inadvertently siloed instead of being stored in the organisation's ECM.


Read our info sheet



prohibit shadow

Master copies easily duplicated

prohibit shadow

Easily shared point to point

prohibit shadow

Locked down and unavailable when a person leaves

prohibit shadow

Hidden information silos

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Not searchable for other staff

prohibit shadow

Not covered by retention and disposal rules

How can the OneDrive Manager Framework help my organisation?


Our OneDrive Manager Framework has been designed to help you manage OneDrive accounts within your organisation. This means you can discover files, monitor storage and take action where necessary to proactively mitigate information silos.


Search people shadow

Monitor & manage

Safely monitor & manage OneDrive use at scale with custom storage views

Search file boxes shadow

Discover information silos

Increase collaboration efficiency by finding and dissolving information silos

equaliser shadow

Stay in control

By applying quick actions to move files from OneDrive to SharePoint

Teacher and students shadow

Guide & support your users

Proactively support your users through the change process as they adapt to a new way of working

Bar graph shadow

Insights into user behaviour

With iWorkplace Smart Records, compare files created in SharePoint and OneDrive for each user

Take control of OneDrive use before it becomes your biggest business information management headache.

Steps to staying on top of OneDrive use

1. Identify

Discover information silos & understand how users are using OneDrive


2. Review

Identify the gap between OneDrive best practice & your organisation's current state of OneDrive use


3. Take action

Work with users to dissolve information silos & provide education on OneDrive best practice


4. Monitor

Monitor OneDrive use in BAU to stay in control


Want to see a practical example?

Become a member of our Resource Centre to watch the short 2 minute demo video.

Ready to take the next step

Are you ready to take the next step towards being in control of your organisation's OneDrive use?


Reach out to our team today!